1. Preface
Lorem ipsum is one or several paragraphs of Latin, which is mostly used in the typography design of paper prints, and is now widely used in website construction. The main purpose is to use these Latin texts to design and test the style, typesetting, and layout of the article before the content of the article is ready, as shown in the figure below.
There are many ways to generate Lorem ipsum text, Microsoft's Lorem ipsum generator is one of them.
2. Call the Lorem ipsum generator in Word
Open the Word document and type =lorem()
where you want to insert the Latin text of Lorem ipsum. Hit Enter, and Microsoft's Lorem ipsum generator will be invoked, and the generated Lorem ipsum text will be inserted into the Word document. By default, a Latin text containing several paragraphs with three sentences each is generated. As shown in the video below.
3. Customize the number of paragraphs and statements
Microsoft's Lorem ipsum generator can be run with two arguments =lorem(i, j)
. The first parameter i
represents the number of paragraphs to generate. The second parameter j
represents the number of statements in each paragraph, and the default value is 3. Parameters i
and j
are required to be integers, ranging from 1 to 65536.
Example 1: =lorem(2)
Generate two paragraphs. Each paragraph contains three sentences. As shown in the video below.
Example 2: =lorem(3, 4)
Generate three paragraphs, each containing 4 sentences. As shown in the video below.
4. Call the Lorem ipsum generator in PowerPoint
It is still very convenient to generate Lorem ipsum text in Word. If you often write articles, or design software and web page layouts, this feature will come in handy sooner or later.
This method is not only applicable to Word, but also applicable to PowerPoint, as shown in the video below.
5. Lorem ipsum online generator
Lorem lpsum generator is a free online Lorem ipsum generator developed by XYZCodeWorld, you can specify the number of paragraphs to be generated, and the number of sentences in each paragraph.